State Advocacy
Advocating for state policies that foster life science innovation in California.
Biocom California advocates for a competitive regulatory environment that protects investment in new therapies and access for our patients. Our policy priorities across the state of California include a wide range of issues from public health, access to new therapies, and information stewardship practices. We advocate for improved infrastructure, safe and reliable water supplies, and critical public interest policies to support innovation.
Public Policy News
Your source for the latest policy and regulatory news. Sign up for our Public Policy Newsletter and our Regulatory & Reimbursement Newsletter to stay up to date on latest federal, state, and regional government affairs, as well as regulatory and reimbursement updates.
Recent News
Governor Proposes a $322 Billion Balanced Budget
The budget emphasizes fiscal stability, efficient governance, and transformative investments in education, public safety, and economic growth without cutting core programs.
2024 State Election Results
In Sacramento, races we were watching included both houses, but ultimately the partisan splits in the Legislature will remain about the same even with three races remaining to be called.
Bill to Maintain Beyond Benefits Trust Before the Legislature
AB 2072 extending the sunset date on the Beyond Benefits Trust has successfully moved through the State Assembly.
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Political Action Committee
The Biocom California Political Action Committee (PAC) was established in 1996 as a non-partisan California state committee established to fundraise and make political contributions to elect candidates and promote issues that improve the environment for business and innovation for California’s life science industry.
State Legislative Affairs Committee
The Biocom State Legislative Affairs Committee reviews California state legislation and regulatory proposals, and makes recommendations for Biocom California positions. Membership on the committee, which meets monthly, is open to any Biocom California member in good standing.