Federal Policy Priorities

Biocom California Federal Policy team advocates on behalf of our members to support funding for federal agencies that drive research and approve new products, a fair reimbursement and pricing landscape to ensure that patients have access to much-needed medicines, research and pandemic preparedness to prevent future outbreaks, strong IP protections to allow innovators to get a return on their investments; a business friendly-tax environment that allow businesses to strive and grow; and expand loan guarantees and grants to access capital for ag and energy biotech.

A Respected Voice

Biocom California drives advocacy and public policy initiatives on behalf of the California life science industry by leveraging several proprietary programs and committees to encourage legislators and regulators to enact policies that are positive to the California life science industry, while working to defeat proposals that would be detrimental. Biocom California works with public officials and community stakeholders to help create a legislative and regulatory environment that supports the life science industry of California.


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Public Policy News

Your source for the latest policy and regulatory news. Sign up for our Public Policy Newsletter and our Regulatory & Reimbursement Newsletter to stay up to date on latest federal, state, and regional government affairs, as well as regulatory and reimbursement updates.

Recent News

Biocom California Welcomes the 119th Congress

California welcomed 9 freshmen Members, all Democrats. The delegation makeup was finally complete with 43 Democrats and 9 Republicans.

2024 Federal Election Results

California had some of the closest congressional races in the country and a significant say in determining the final makeup of the House of Representatives.

Biocom California Submits Comments on Cures 2.0 Request for Information

Our comments focus on public health, patients, FDA, CMS, and federally funded research, and urge the inclusion of IRA fixes, Part D Access, e-Labeling, and reauthorizing PAHPA and the Rare Pediatric Disease PRV.


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Help us advocate for issues important to our industry by sending messages to your elected officials directly through our action center. One minute is all it takes to send a pre-crafted, editable message to your district’s elected officials. Check out the issues we’re currently advocating for and take action today!

Legislation of Interest

Our Public Policy team is constantly keeping a pulse on bills with potential impact to our state’s life science industry. COMING SOON – click below to see the bills we’re monitoring pertaining to biodefense and pandemic research, FDA regulatory policy, agricultural and industrial biotechnology, IP, and more.


Federal Policy Committees

Federal Policy Committee

Biocom’s Federal Committee addresses legislative issues faced by the life science community of California and serves as a resource for all federal policy-related matters.

Intellectual Property Committee

Biocom California’s IP committee brings California’s legal and life science communities together through discussion of important intellectual property and patent law issues affecting our members.

Regulatory Affairs Committee

Biocom California’s Regulatory Affairs Committee aims at addressing regulatory and scientific issues faced by the life science community of California.
