Need to Ship Internationally at the Last Minute?
FedEx is your one-stop-shop for all international shipping needs this holiday season. Compare global shipping options, get international rates and fill out customs forms, all in one place. Ensure your deliveries arrive exactly on time, even to another hemisphere.
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Non-Dilutive Funding Deadlines Are Rapidly Approaching
Does your organization need grant funding to fuel your life science innovation? Small business innovation research (SBIR) funding deadlines are rapidly approaching and
OmniSync is here to help. Applications to the National Institutes of Health are due by January 5, at which time up to $2.2 million of debt-free funding will be awarded. Maximize your potential for success by reaching out to the OmniSync team today.
Learn more.
Choosing Wisely: Rental Cars or Personal Vehicles for Business Travel
Enterprise reports that between the widespread adoption of hybrid workplace models and the rise in local and domestic business trips, today’s employees are opting to use their personal vehicles for corporate travel roughly half the time. But is personal vehicle use really in the best interest of your business and employees? In their article, Enterprise discusses the three ways in which renting a car for business use may be the smarter choice.
Learn more.